Denver Mini-Retreat

The Living Enneagram

- Your Personal Roadmap -

A morning of self-discovery, relaxation and nourishment

Saturday, April 26: 10:30am - 1pm

What if life came with instructions? 

Life can really make a person feel lost sometimes.  Maybe it's around a specific dilemma, or even just a vague sense of uncertainty. It would be so nice to have a little direction!

What if you truly understood yourself?

Why do we do the things we do? Why do we find ourselves in the same situations over and over again? What is possible when we fully see the big picture? We become unstoppable when we have that clarity. 

Join me for this incredible morning of discovery!

When: Saturday April 26, 10:30am - 1pm mtn

Where: Denver, CO (Decker Library community room)

Investment: $97

Included: Pre-retreat guidance to identify your Enneagram Type, light brunch, gifts and teaching on typology + transformation

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What is the Enneagram?

Often called a map of humanity, the Enneagram is a tool to understand ourselves and to find direction.  It illuminates practically every aspect of our personality and psychology, and goes on to delineate a course of growth unique to each individual.

So much more than a personality test

Because of its deep roots in both spiritual practice and psychological research, the Enneagram takes us far beyond the temporary fun of a personality quiz. Are you ready to know yourself on a whole new level and finally DO something about what you discover?

This Half-day Mini-retreat Explores: 

  • Why we do the things we do,
  • How we end up in the same situations over and over, 
  • Our individual paths to overcoming self-sabotage,
  • How to uplevel our relationships and behavior

Parenting, partnership, career, emotional wellness...there really is no limit to the ways the Enneagram can transform us and our lives.

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Meet yourself for the first time.

It's hard to put into words the feeling of recognition and insight people experience when identifying and exploring the Enneagram and their Type.  You already know yourself, right?  Of course! You've lived inside your head your whole life! But what if there are depths and explanations still hidden within you? What is possible if you truly unlock those secrets? What if you had answers to the questions we are all asking ourselves: 

What's up with me? Why am I like this? Why does this keep happening to me?

There are answers to all of it (spoiler - it's not all your childhood!) and the world is full of possibility for those of us ready to find them.

Hi, I'm Ann!

I'm a mother of 4, certified coach and fellow explorer.

When I began my own personal growth work in earnest in my twenties, I was so fortunate to be introduced to the Enneagram and I've been studying it, learning about myself from it, and evolving my consciousness with it ever since.  

Learning about my Type (One) for the first time felt like coming home, meeting my soul mate, reuniting with an old friend, and wiping fog off a mirror all at once.  Life changing. 

Now, as a certified Enneagram coach, I get to bring others to the threshold of their own self discovery every day, and it's the best job ever!  

My business is based on the belief that no matter what our goals (parenting, personal, professional...) they will all come to us as we pursue our own self-actualization, wellness and enlightenment.  That's what my work is about and it's what I bring to my clients every day.

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What People Are Saying 

"I came into this work knowing I'm a good mom, but there were clearly a lot of adjustments that were needed.  Now, there is hardly any yelling in our home, and no conflict.  There's a lot less lecturing and a lot more communicating. And there's a lot more hugging and affection that the kids initiate on their own!" - Jen 


"Everything with Ann is just so actionable, versus just enhancing my own knowledge base." - Johnna


"I am so much better now at patience and peace with myself. Now I can approach situations in a much more calm, neutral way." - Johnna